Some information on study opportunities in Estonia

Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers scholarships for  study year 2012/2013 to students from Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Afganistan to participate in the  European Union Russian studies MA programme. 

Scholarships will cover tuition fee for one academic year (3200€), travel to and from Tartu, montly allowance, partly insurance and residence permit. Read more about EURUS MA programme here.
How to apply to the scholarship for the EURUS Master programme?
Apply to the MA programme online by 16th of April 2012. Submit your online application and motivation letter here: http://www.ec.ut.ee/1154095
Send files supporting your scholarship application by 16th of April 2012 digitally to Laura Rooplaura.roop@ut.ee.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Portrait photo (digital)
Copy of passport (scan)
Decisions will be made in June/July 2012. Candidates will be notified personally by e-mail.

Ilya Trombitsky
Eco-TIRAS Intl. Env. Assn. of Dniester River Keepers
Str. Teatrala 11A
Chisinau 2012
Tel./fax: (373 22) 225615; 550953
Mob.: (373 691) 21726
E-mails: ecotiras@mtc.md; ilyatrom@mail.ru


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